3rd cd lab work and your 1st period after miscarriage??


So I need help... I was reading about the blood work my doctor just did after my most recent miscarriage. And everything I read said its supposed to be done on CD 3, but he had me get done the week after I was seen. Two weeks before I was due to get my period. Everything came back good and normal. I'm just concerned it's not normal for when it should have been done.

The other thing is I've had 7 miscarriages now over the years. I've never had a period like this though honestly I'm afraid I've had another miscarriage this quickly... That it was Implantation bleeding and then a miscarriage it was really light for about five days and no cramping and then all of a sudden it got heavy and cramping really bad and its going on day 9 now though its gotten light again today. Has anyone else had a period like this after a miscarriage? Its really worrying me idk if I should call my doctor or what? I've never bleed this long unless its from a miscarriage...