Sort of urgent breastfeeding question!


Hi ladies!

Tomorrow I'm gonna be away from baby for two feeds (roughly 7-8 hours) for a bachelorette party (well, the first part! Brunch and spa -- then a break back home, then karaoke and dancing in the evening).

I have never gotten engorged from not feeding nor have I ever leaked BUT I've never gone this long without feeding or pumping before. (Edit: during the day!!!)

My question: if I don't pump just this one time, will it affect my supply? I understand I may feel some discomfort and I'm prepared to hand express in that case, as if I pumped I honestly don't know what I'd do with the milk (temporary / one-time solutions welcome -- can I just keep it at room temp?).

Thanks so much in advance!

PS Henry cut four teeth in two days--I AM SO READY FOR THIS BREAK 🥴🥴🥴