is my bf shady

my bf doesn’t post about me anywhere. i’ve met none of his friends.(IVE MET ONE AND ITS BC WE RAN INTO HIM OUT IN PUBLIC) he boasts about how much he does for me but yet i don’t even feel loved. anyway i asked why his phone was blowing up bf it always is and always has been this entire relationship. and he got mad. he always gets mad “why does it matter” “who else would i be talking to besides my friends” he told me i was being insecure and possessive. and still couldn’t tell me who he’s talking to on IG DM & snapchat... i know it shouldn’t matter i guess it’s just the way things have been for us. we’ve lived together for 6 months and been together a year and a few months. i understand you can be a private person but if you can’t even give me reassurance? i’ve never even made him cum and he hasn’t even touch me in like 3 weeks. idk what to do i have no one to talk to or to even tell me if i’m overthinking i’m 22 he is 28 and this is my first serious relationship.

ALSO i ignored so many red flags and know i put myself into this situation. and i try to communicate but somehow he gets defensive and tells me i’m being dramatic or that we were “over this” and then always threatens to break up with me. idk seems like he really just doesn’t care at all. it’s impossible to communicate with someone who is always the victim