Dear relatives

A little advice:

When a baby has zero interest in being held by multiple relatives, cries, and backs away DO NOT REPEATEDLY rip them from their mothers arms despite her protest and walk away, ignoring her telling you to give her back and that she doesn't want to be held by you. That's a good way to get kicked out. I understand your good intentions, but kindly fuck off and respect my child and I.

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Posted at
I hate that stuff. I'm so glad my parents and in-laws were respectful enough not to do this, because my daughter is very shy so doesn't like being away from me when adjusting to others


Posted at
You just described the past 14 months since the day my child was born.


Posted at
Seriously hope no one does this in my family when my son is old enough to basically say no. I even told my husband if our son doesn’t want to hug someone in the family he doesn’t have to. I guess I’ll see how that goes in the future to telling family no.


Posted at
You know what's even worse than that?Having literally no one give a crud that you exist or have had a baby.I'm not saying that relatives who do this should be allowed to do it with impunity, it stinks when they do....but to throw a rant up ladled with swear words, telling them to f*ck off because they care? Come on. Be careful what you wish for.Have an honest and open conversation based in love, respect and appreciation. Tell them that baby dosent like it, you dont like it and although you appreciate it you think baby just needs a time out with you. Ask then to check back later.


Amy • Feb 11, 2020
I'd also LOVE for you to explain to me how it's so ungrateful to want my relatives to leave my daughter be when she's scared, sick, and crying and does NOT want to be picked up by them. How am I ungrateful for trying to protect my daughter? Should I just let it happen, let her be scared, let anyone do whatever they want with her? Did you even read the post? Do you even think before you say something?


Amy • Feb 11, 2020
Are you dumb? It's not ranting about the fact that they care, it's ranting about the fact that they don't understand boundaries or respect. This has NOTHING to do with how much they care. Imagine being so miserable and bored in life that you have to find anything to complain about and make into something that it's not🙄 and FYI I can cuss whenever, wherever, and as much as I fucking want to because I don't give a shit nor do I do it to make anyone listen harder or sound smarter🙃


Mr • Feb 11, 2020