Sexual Assault


So... I don’t really remember it but I am now 13 years old and I was sexually assaulted when I 3-7 so please bare with me!

So when I was 3 I went to daycare... I can remember going outside to play. You know after that everybody went down stairs to take a nap or something like that! But I remember asking for a drink. Then I saw this lady who was super sweet. ( I can’t really tell you how this came to be, after all I was 3)

She was so sweet to me and I loved her so much ( I still do; I don’t know where she is anymore) she treated me differently than everyone else! So when my mother came to pick me up I asked if I could stay with her!! My mom who was young and dumb (22 yo) said yes! So when she came to pick me up she lived like 2 hrs away but I stayed there quite often. We had this long ride ahead so you know I fell asleep... but I do remember this part, this guy can to walk me into her apartment which was her boyfriend. You know me as a child I was a very social butterfly. So we talked and things like that. But I don’t remember if it was the first night or not but it was very soon after I stayed. I was masturbating, in the bed trying not to wake anybody! Then the boyfriend leaned into my ear and stayed

“ Do you want help?”

He is 60 something at this time

I didn’t know what to do I was a child! After that I let him touch me and I sucked him and he ate me out and he tried to force his dick into me it didn’t work out! I pretended he was my boyfriend to make it seem better he always complimented me but if I didn’t want to do it! He would always make me feel like it is my fault! He is an asshole who has left me in trama! Finally sometime in November of 2014 I told my mother! We cried together! It was a day I cannot forget it was highlight! It was my freedom! He went to jail and now I have no idea where he could be at now!

But I forgive you! You are a sick piece of shit but I forgive! I am thankful even! You made me stronger! So go suck on that!