Going on day 5 of fever


My daughter is 8 months old, and this is her 5th day of having a fever.

The first 3 days, it would go away for a few hours after having medicine but would eventually come back. She would still play and be somewhat happy. On the 3rd day I brought her to the doctors, no ear infection and flu/rsv tests were negative.

Yesterday it didn't drop below 100.2 at all and would often be closer to 102 before medicine. She developed a slightly stuffy nose, diarrhea, and is no longer happy. She will cry if I'm not holding her, and all she does now is nurse and sleep.

The doctor said to bring her back either monday (today) or tuesday if she's still having a fever so I'm going to call when they open but has anyone experienced this before? I'm not sure what it could be