2yo suddenly waking up EVERY NIGHT

The title kind of says it all. My son is 2.5yo, & normally would sleep right through no problem, has for a very long time. Within the last week, he has been getting up between 2-3 EVERY NIGHT. & sometimes wanting to stay awake! Now we’ve already dropped the nap because he doesn’t sleep if he has one & will stay up hours past bedtime. He is not sick, he has all of his teeth, there is nothing physically wrong that I can think of to continuously wake him up every night. I don’t want this to become a habit, but it seems it already is. I’m at a loss for what to do! Any advice?

Edit: maybe I should add we are pregnant with #2, I’ve been talking about the baby & how he will be a great big brother. He doesn’t seem to really understand, like he knows what a baby is, but I don’t think he gets there’s one in mommy’s belly. Do you think it could be the start of a regression?