DPO symptoms log leading to BFP

Marianna • TTC #2 MMC 9/17/18, MMC 10/1/19 DS: Max 10/10/2020

This cycle I needed something to keep me occupied since I wasn't temping. I decided that I would pay more attention to my body and log CM, CP and other physical changes. I also spent a lot of time looking for posts like this... so ladies, here you go!

Ovulation Day -

tons of ewcm after bowel movement -AM

cramping -AM

ewcm disappeared (BDd anyway) -PM

Peak positive OPK -PM

1 dpo - nothing unusual

2 dpo - nothing unusual

3 dpo - nothing unusual

4 dpo -

Very High CP, tilted OS

increased saliva?


5 dpo -

 Pinching and low backache -AM

Blurred vision -AM

CP medium, OS closed -AM

itchy boobs/nipples -PM

stuffy nose and phlegm -PM

6 dpo -

 CP high, OS closed very soft


indigestion PM

moody- angry, sad

tingly hands and feet

vivid dreams


7 dpo -

 CP medium/low, OS closed

Tired after 10 hrs of sleep

hip and shoulder pain PM

Low back muscle pain (sitting on floor)PM

Decreased appetite

8 dpo -

 Sore throat and phlegm -allergies maybe?

CP very high and soft, cannot reach OS

Afternoon nausea

feeling crappy


craving spicy food

areolas appear darker, sensitive nipples


9 dpo -

Cough and sore throat

lightheaded with headache

dehydrated but drank a lot of water

CP medium OS closed Firm

Everything is sore, no fever



10 dpo -

still sick cough and sore throat

sore/itchy nipples
