*TWTWTWTWTW abortion help please

I am almost 7 weeks pregnant and just had a baby a few months ago. She is my whole world. The condom broke one time and I didn’t think this would happen.

I can’t financially take care of another baby right now and I just want to focus on my little family right now and give my baby the best life she deserves. I’m contemplating abortion. I never in my life thought I would ever even consider it but my mental health is wrecked right now and I have had nothing but anxiety and depression and fear since I found out.

Can anyone give me some advice, if you’ve been through this. Idk what to do but I know I can’t do adoption and I cannot take care of another baby.

I’m young still too. I don’t have a home or a car. I rely on my fiancé for those things. I was just going to start school and we were gonna get a home by our daughters first birthday and me a car as well. I want another baby but I want to make sure I can give the one I do have the best life possible before I bring another one into the picture. Pleaaaaase help.

{Edited by Glow}