I really need sleeping advice + encouragement 😭


So, my baby is only a month old.

We've been bedsharing since day one because since day one she has hated her bassinet. We have been trying different things to get her to sleep in it, but it's all short lived and she just ends up back in my chest for the night.

We have tried multiple types of swaddles...she breaks out of all of them

We have tried bed sharing pillows including the costly snuggle me organic. That worked for one night and then not again. Also, it didn't seem safe to me.

We have tried warming up the bassist with a heating pad.

We have tried a swing, she does not like it when awake and only sleeps in it for five or so minutes when in deep sleep.

We have tried propping her up on a slight tilt in the bassinet and she tipped herself right over because she moves a lot and is rather strong. Thank God I was awake and watching her.

We have tired all of this is different combinations with one another. Swaddle on & heating pad, swaddle off & heating pad, etc. We have tried different combinations at different points of the sleep cycle. Laying her down drowsy but not sleepy, laying her down in deep sleep neither have made much of a difference.

The only thing she sleeps in is a carrier, as long as I'm not sitting, or am bouncing when sitting...

I'm really not against bedsharing when done safely, but because she has been moving around more in her sleep, I'm so afraid she's going to throw herself off of me and...well yeah.

I've been able to get a fair amount of rest and I'm scared of sleep deprivation. I do t do well in that state. But I obviously don't want to put my baby's life at risk.

At this point the only thing that we can think of doing is just putting her in the bassinet and letting her cry.

Her bassinet is between the wall and my side if the bed, so I would be able to sleep with my head next to her's. I would also talk to her and would not be leaving her to cry by herself.

My concern is that she's so young and I know that she can cry for a long time because when I give her to my husband so that I can take a shower she cries nearly the whole time. The longest stretch so far has been 45 minutes.

This doesn't necessarily bother me because she's in the arms of someone who loves her and is trying to sooth her. I feel this is different than leaving her to cry by herself.

At this point I feel like having her cry in a safe place while I'm literally right beside her is better than her possibly suffocating because she moves around a lot when sleeping on my chest.

Can someone please give me some encouragement or advice. I know I'm going to feel like such a shitty parent for letting her cry, but we've tried so many things and she just ends up crying.