Boyfriend likes to watch movies over the phone...everyday.

When my boyfriend and I spend time together at his house we’ll watch movies. When we’re talking on the phone together, we’ll watch movies. I’ve told my boyfriend that we don’t need to watch movies every time we talk on the phone but he thinks it’s cute. Sometimes it is, and I’ll watch them with him but it can become boring after a while. Watching movies together is all we do. My boyfriend works late during the week every day except Thursday and Sunday. I think he tries to make up for the fact that he can’t see me by watching movies over the phone because it gives him something to talk about. I’ve noticed if I turn down the idea of watching a movie he becomes silent and seems sad. It’s frustrating because we always watch movies in his room whenever I visit because he is too tired to go out and this will go on for weeks even if I tell him we need to try something different. Especially this week Valentine’s Day is coming up and I’ve noticed he hasn’t mentioned it at all. I feel like these are things he could mention when we’re on the phone together but it is usually about movies.