Just a question for all the mommy’s out there!

Update: I would like to stay anonymous so that’s why I haven’t responded to anyone. But thank you ladies so much! I never knew all this. I’ve just always heard that alcohol and pregnancy don’t mix haha but I truly feel informed now! Thank you so much! I also love the swaddle idea! I’m not sure if she has one but I’ll try to be sneaky and ask if she has one so that I can maybe buy her one as a new mommy gift!🥰her baby is precious and I feel for her sleepless night 😞 thank you again everyone I really appreciate the insights! ❤️

I’m have a question regarding breastfeeding. I first want to start off by saying I don’t have a child of my own and am not pregnant, so the reason I want to ask this question is because it peeked my curiosity. I know someone who before she got pregnant she was a big alcohol drinker, loved her liquor and her wines. When she got pregnant, I assume she stopped (can’t say anything due to me not knowing) for the baby, but once she had her baby about a month later I start seeing her post pictures of herself with a glass of wine. Also I know she breastfeeds as well since she posts about it. She has said that her baby just doesn’t sleep and always wants to be held. When I did some research it says that drinking alcohol and breastfeeding could disrupt a babies sleeping pattern. Hence what made me think maybe that’s why her baby doesn’t sleep much and always want to be held. I could be 100 wrong but I wanted mommy’s opinions if you think Alcohol in breast milk could cause the sleep disruption. And no I won’t tell any of this to the mom herself because I know it’s not my place to say anything to any new (first time especially) moms, especially since I’ve never had a baby (hoping for the future). This is all for my curiosity :) I respect moms and their choices, this is just for my future knowledge 🙂❤️