Don't want a big bump


UPDATE (initial story below)

MASSIVE thank you to all the ladies with great advices and kind words. I genuinely thought that sport and bump were related!! I now know I have NO control over the bump 😂

I'll carry on with the sport anyway, but don't worry, i'm not just starting now and my doctor told me to continue my routine, while of course being careful.

I worked on the dress with my SIL over the week-end (she's the one making it) and we changed the structure a little bit and chose suitable fabrics.

Of course it won't be a drama if people notice but i'd still prefer not to 😁

And to the (very) few of you calling me selfish, I do think selfishness means you only think about yourself when others are impacted. I believe this matter is only impacting myself (not even the baby, as I did specify I wanted to find an healthy way). Every woman reacts differently to pregnancy, be kind to others and don't judge people before knowing their story 😉


So, let me explain. I just found out i'm 5weeks pregnant. It wasn't planned and we were being careful, but it happened. Now, it isn't a big deal. We wanted a baby, but maybe more in 1 or 2 years 😂

The thing is, we're getting married in June, so I'll be 4,5 months at that time, and I don't want invitees to know I'm pregnant. Our close family will know for sure, but I like to keep my privacy and don't want EVERYBODY (120 persons) to know. It may seem weird to the ones of you who enjoy the bump, but I'm quite the introvert type and I just like living my life without telling people. I want people to focus on the wedding, not my pregnancy.

Do you have tips to keep baby healthy while keeping your bump under control? I was thinking eating healthy and do abs could do the trick ?