When you have an irregular period when do know when to take a pregnancy test?

Since I had my first baby a year ago my period has been very irregular sometimes late sometimes early I been trying to track it with the <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">period apps</a> but it’s never on time.

I been having headaches, back pain, caught a cold, I’m not sure if I’m reading too much into this but I’m hungry all the time!! (I ate breakfast an hour and a half ago and I’m hungry right now like I’m sure in the next 30 minutes my stomach will start growling) I also been feeling PMS like symptoms since Saturday so I been expecting my period, my app says my period was supposed to be here on Sunday, nothing yet. Pregnancy tests a few days ago were negative but with my first baby I got negatives the week I missed my period too but I knew my period was always regular so I knew I was pregnant and when I tested a week later it was positive but since it’s irregular now I don’t even know when I’m supposed to get my period let alone when I’m actually late let alone when I should test.

I did see light pink spotting when I wiped today but i had sex yesterday and it’s not unusual for me to see that the day after I had sex or it could be the start of period. Idkkkkk helppppp