My EX fiance slept with my Step Mom (Long story but I'll try to make it short and simple)**Update Posted a pic of my dog 🙂

I posted on here like a month ago and got rude comments about my miss spelled words.. I am 27 and I am sorry I can't spell that good. I was crying when I was typing cause what happened to me was really bad ( the title says it all ).

I deleted the post cause I was upset on the rude comments and the lady's that commented were not helping me at all.

Back story. I been with my Ex for 7 years and everything was great told him a lot about my past and me having trust issues but I was working on it. He can tell I was getting better on trusting him and him having location on, on his phone mine was on as well.

We moved in together when he proposed to me (4 years mark) everything was good so I thought. I have trust issues like I said before but I trusted him on not going threw his phone like I use to with my other ex bfs. But I never been engaged so I just never had a reason to go threw his phone.

He didn't meet my step mom till me and him were dating for 2 years, my step mom goes out of town a lot for work. She is married to my dad for 25 years.

I really didn't get the feeling till last year of October. He was being really protective on his phone and every time I came near him he would change something on his phone a pretend he is on Facebook. He normally does not take a long time in the bathroom unless going #2. I knew he was not going #2 and he would start laughing and I would knock on the door and be like when are u coming out? He would always say I am going to take a shower ill be out when I am done.

Fast forward to the day I saw them fucking.

I came home after work I know he was fucking around with someone just never knew who it was. I saw my STEP MOMs car in my parking spot I thought oh she might have just dropped by to wait for me or something.. nope they were fucking on the couch when I came in.. now most of u lady's would be like omg wtf!!!! I had my dog (German Shepherd adult dog) with me and once my EX saw me he pushed her off of him and said " I am sorry I can explain" he knows my dog can fuck up someone with a heart beat.. anyways. My STEP MOM was shocked I came in and didn't say much she was naked and I said " GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE BEFORE I RELEASE HIM" my step mom grabbed her shit and got out fast like she was still naked going outside. My Ex stayed and wanted to "talk" nope I didn't give him a chance to explain cause when my step mom walked outside her husband was outside waiting for her. (I called him) mad as hell!! (I am really close to my dad to the point where he is my boss haha) My Ex saw my dad and then that's when he stopped talking and got ready and took off. (He doesn't like my dad)

oh I am a police officer btw and I don't fuck around. But trust me I didn't let my dog attack him lol 😂. Just to scare him to get the fuck out of my house.

I packed all of his things put them outside and a sign saying free please take what u like😂. His box was empty when he got to it. He didn't want to come near me and texted me calling me a bitch like whatever u piece of shit...

I am happy 😊 I am single and not ready to date. I am feeling a lot better. My step bitch she is no longer married to my dad and he is glad he is not stressing out on her stupid ass and not paying for her shit she needs from him.

Here is what my dog looks like and his name is Goliath he is the most playful dog ever.. but when he needs to be the attacker he will!

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Posted at
You’re a better person than me.. I would’ve let the dog go. 😌😂
You’re a better person than me.. I would’ve let the dog go. 😌😂


Ro • Feb 26, 2020
Girl what?? And praised him when he came back. “Who’s the goodest boy ☺️☺️”


𝒟𝑒𝒷𝒷𝒾𝑒 • Feb 25, 2020
This gif has me 😂😂😂


Jaime • Feb 21, 2020
Amen sister I agree !!!!


Posted at
Proud of you for moving on from that scum. I’m sorry you wasted so much time :(
Proud of you for moving on from that scum. I’m sorry you wasted so much time :(


Posted at
Wow it really sucks that so many women on here post rude comments to the extent that people have to delete posts. Anyway, I’m so sorry that this happened to you! I couldn’t even imagine having to go through all that. But you deserve so much better and so does your dad. You’ll find a great guy, don’t let this get you down. Glad you’re starting to feel better about it and hope you find a great guy!


Catalina • Feb 18, 2020
I know right that's truly sad 😔. And all these other lady's just want to be herd out on their story idk why woman have to be so mean 😡.


Rockgirl23 • Feb 18, 2020
I've noticed that a lot on this app, so many women on here are mean and unsupportive


al • Feb 16, 2020
I know right. It’s like they get off on being mean to women who genuinely need support and compassion


Posted at
I hope your dad left that cheap lousy woman. And as someone said I too would have let go of the dog to attack.
I hope your dad left that cheap lousy woman. And as someone said I too would have let go of the dog to attack.


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proud of you for kicking his ass out 🙌🏽


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it’d be hard for him to fuck other women without a dick. so i would’ve told my dog to “get the toy!” 🌚


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Good for fucking you, babe! What scum! I'm glad you and your dad are free of that those bastards. Celebrate your freedom!


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Good for you and your dad for getting rid of that trash!!!
Good for you and your dad for getting rid of that trash!!!


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at least dogs will never leave you and be loyal


Posted at
Wow...good job!!!Wishing you the best.