11 things I rant about on a weekly basis

Yah there is a lot of controversial topics here and yah I am going to call some people out no name just a bunch of Karin's and Kyle's ( sorry to anyone with those names)

1 not saying please or thank you to anyone in the service industry like fast-food workers or Walmart employees honest to God they deal with alot of shit that no one else really thinks about.

2 pugs look funny.

3 when a person finds out she is pregnant and she is scared abortion should not be the first thing out of anyone's mouth. That's just wrong of course they are freaking out they are trying to prossess things

4 if someone does get an abortion in nobody elses bisness it really not and it's not an easy choice to make.

5 who ever said C-sections are the easy way out it's not infact I think it might be harder than a vagnal birth think about it your getting cut thrue mucels and tendons that shit takes forever to heal. It was probably a guy that thought of that.

6 guys have the easy jobs when it comes to kids they pump us then wait 9 months to see what happens

7trump is weird and likes kissing people

8 we all run out of conditioner before shampoo

9 telling people if they can't afford a pregnancy test they should not be having kids ( really lady's c'mon we all Greek out thinking we are pregnant from time to time and sometimes that just happens to land on the week before they get paid)

10 we are all beautiful and probably getting ready to wtf me in the comments.

11 this is a list of rants

12 if 18 is the legal adult age it should be tthat way across the board

13 it's my body my choice of I want to smoke at 20 gosh darnet I will

14 woman are not anyone's property (not our parents, brothers, sisters,unkels, husbends)

15 half of these are funny

16 the pink tax needs to be done away with

17 we are all strong we do things that men wouldn't tuch with a 10 foot pole we are special. We deserve a voice wether we are home makers,stay at home moms or CEOs of a company we should be lifting echother up not tareing echother down

18 *mic drop*

19 please don't judge on my spelling or whatever I did this wile Brest feeding with one hand