Pregnancy and sex

I am 9w4d pregnant. I found out I was pregnant right before my missed period. About 4 weeks in I experienced bleeding after orgasm. I went to the er and they said everything is going great. My HCG levels were perfect, cervix is closed, and we saw the sac with transvaginal ultrasound. I now have a dr. I mentioned the bleeding to him and he shrugged it off, said it's normal. I havent had an orgasm until tonight. And it was a heavy watery bleed for a couple minutes, then let up. It has just about stopped. I'll be seeing my dr in less than a week. And will call him in the morning. I just want to know if anyone else has experienced this? No cramping or sharp pains. If so, did you have to abstain from sex? This is my first pregnancy at 29 years old.