I'm just tired

Backstory: my ex? I guess, as of November asked for a break. I said that was fine, I feel that we both could have used it. We're younger parents, both in our early 20s. We have two toddlers and a baby due in May. We moved 10 hours away from our families because of his job. So, during this "break" the kids and I moved back home with my parents. I'm not sure what caused the whole break, honestly. He went to a birthday party for a girl he claimed not to know, but was a friend of a coworker's. He refused to tell me anything about this party until like an hour or two before he left for it. He gave me a hug and a kiss, told me he loved me and promised to be back to help put the kids to bed. Bedtime rolls around,and nothing. I texted him and asked, no answer. 2.5 hours later, I told him good night. Nothing. He ignored me, despite being on social media all night long. When he finally came back, it was nearly 10am the next day, y'all. He left at 145pm the day before. He was silent when he came in. I packed the kids and went to town alone, upon coming back, he was showered and threw just the clothes he wore to the party in the washer. I didn't say much to him, I didn't sleep the night before and I was clearly hurt by his actions. He followed me into the bedroom and we got into a nasty argument. He laughed in my face while I was crying because I had no idea where he was or if something had happened to him. He could've just said he wasn't coming home that night. The argument ended with him telling me he wasn't happy anymore. What? You just told me yesterday how much you loved me, and now you're not happy with me? He said he wanted a break, this was "too much" so, I called my family and made arrangements to leave asap.

Now: I spent a lot of time thinking, and I realized I hadn't been my best either. I was the main caretaker for our kids. We've been talking, because no matter our position, we know the kids need both of us. He tells me things like he loves me, I mean the world to him, he wants to work on us to get back together, and TONS more. But, he never makes me a priority🤔 maybe I'm overreacting at this point. He doesn't treat me like someone he wants to build a relationship with. He'll leave me for hours on read because he's mad and being petty or he won't open my messages but will be on social media. Stupid things like that. He sometimes says things that make me feel like I'm not enough for him. I've offered to help him catch up on some bills with my tax return, but now he doesn't want that. His car is about to be repossessed, and I offered to help him out with that, and he said it's a "lost cause" fine. Whatever. If he doesn't have a car, he won't be able to get here for the birth of our child. I have a big heart, maybe too big, and I'm getting tired of feeling like I don't mean anything to this man. Sorry for the long post, just kind of ranting😞