scared about my future

I’m 5’0, 14, female and weigh about 160 lbs. i used to be a fairly good weight in 2017, but then my grandfather died from liver failure I believe and I quit the sports I did and fell into a deep depression. I’ve been really careless with my health since then, and I’m scared for my future.

My grandfather had diabetes and my dad has an extremely high risk for it as well. I want to loose weight, lessen my risk for diabetes and other health problems, eat better, and appear healthier too. I’m going to the gym with my mom whenever I can and typically do about 30 min on treadmill and do either abs or legs, however I am unable to go everyday/ frequently. I know cardio such as walking or running is important and I try to as much as I can, however I don’t live in a good neighborhood and it’s constantly either snowing, icy, or raining outside as I live in Canada. Tomorrow I am going to try the 16:8 fasting, where I skip breakfast and have 1 meal within 8 hours. I’m looking for any tips or advise to help.. I’m desperate

*edit, to be clear I’m still eating between 1pm and 9pm, with a 16 hour break without eating