Vision and hearing impairment


So my 3 year old (Jan 2017) has been having some issues..... I noticed when he was a little over 1 that he was getting really close to items as if he couldnt see things very well. I finally talked an eye doctor into doing some further testing when he turned 2 and we discovered he is very very near sighted. We got him glasses and he down right refuses to wear them no matter what I do. They have the headband but they still bend his ears in half and he understandably hates wearing them.

We have began speech therapy recently due to him being very hard to understand. His father and I can not understand him well unless we have some context. He has a incredibly large vocabulary he just is missing pieces of the words he is trying to say. People that are not usually around him can not understand him at all. The speech therapist sent us to see an audiologist due to his speech concerns.

we saw the audiologist a few days ago and she determined he has mild to moderate hearing impairment. I guess they are supposed to hear at 15 decibels and he is hearing at 30-45 decibels in each ear 🥺.

Upon receiving the results from the Audiologist his doctor decided it would be best for him to go to a ophthalmologist and a more specialized audiologist at a med center 4.5 hours away.

I'm absolutely heart broken. He is so smart he knows all his colors, body parts, can count items up to 20, etc so he is doing amazing academically but I hate seeing him struggle. I feel horrible that I never noticed his hearing problem I honestly thought he had selective hearing. I feel awful for all the times I have sent him to time out for not listening to me when looking back i realize he really probably didnt even hear me. I'm worried there may be other things wrong with him. Im depressed that he will probably be teased in school for having glasses and more than likely hearing aides. Any other mamas have their babies have these disabilities? how do they deal with them in school? Any advice?