Anyone tried sleep training yet?


With my first daughter we used extinction at 10 weeks. In retrospect that seems early, but it did work within a few days and she's been an amazing sleeper ever since (she's 2 now). This baby has not been an easy sleeper at all, we actually rented a SNOO when she was 3 weeks old. Sometimes I question whether it's helping much because she's so difficult to soothe that most of the times she wakes up I have to nurse her anyway even if she's not hungry. She won't take a pacifier. Anyway, just curious if anyone has done any sleep training yet since some of the December babies are 12 weeks old now. We're not going to do anything for a few more weeks at least, I still want to see if the SNOO will help and I think we will send the toddler to her grandparents' house for the weekend if we decide to go for it.

I'm not interested in a debate about sleep training or anyone trying to talk me out of it. We can all do our own research and make our own decisions. In my opinion, spending 2 hours every night getting a baby down for bed results in a poorer quality sleep than if they knew how to fall asleep on their own. I don't judge anyone else's sleep choices, I'm just curious about others' experience so far.