Baby doesn't eat

My 11 month old, doesn't eat much, hardly 5 spoons and he is done. He doesn't take a bottle, I have been trying since he was 4 months but in vain. Doesn't even take milk in a sippy cup. He is breastfed and I want to slowly cut down on feeds but no progress. 😥 I don't know what to do. Don't think he is gaining weight

He is very active and strong though

His sleep is very bad too

He never sleeps through the night. And for the last 2 months he wakes up every 2 hours and wants to feed each time or cries crazy. I have to eventually give in cause I'm a zombie now. It's probably cause of teething, he's got 4 teeth and 2 cutting in these 2 months.

My question is how do I make it better. I offer him different foods... What should be his meal size? How many snacks?

How do I make him drink milk. Kids his age drink 7oz he hardly takes 2oz.

And for sleep? What do I do? In so sleep deprived that I'm dizzy through the day.