Am I pregnant?

Natalie • Wife | Teacher | Mama | Small Business Owner | Coach

Period was late last month due to stress.

I started the 28th last month. I usually start the day after the previous month start date. I’m full time in college and student teaching. This month <a href="">eve</a> said I was supposed to start the 28th but really the 29th but if you don’t count leap day it would’ve been March 1st. Period isn’t here. I took a cheap pregnancy test last night it was negative and a first response one with first pee this morning and it was both negative. Should I see a doctor? Could I be pregnant? Help???


I went to the doctor, & the pregnancy test came back negative. So no babies just yet!

I got on Xulane the birth control patch, so far it’s not bad.

Thanks for the support 💛