My story


So I haven’t really had any support at all since I was raped, it happened maybe like 6 months ago and I’ve not really spoken to people about it since. I thought this support group could be a good place to tell my story. About 6/7 months ago, I met up with this guy I thought was my friend. I’m 20 tomorrow and he’s like 27 now, he wasn’t from my city so nobody knows him. I went to his house one night and he was so pushy and stuff, then it happened. I broke down to my mum and then told my dad the day after I told her, we went to the police and I haven’t heard from them in 6 whole months and the guy is still walking about. I’m scared to bump into him and I completely lost my mind after it happened. I got so depressed and I didn’t want to see anyone, I was scared in case I saw him again and I spent 5 hours in the police station with my dad. I moved out of my city to stay at my dads house because I couldn’t handle staying at home. I think it’s so disgusting that people have to go through this, have to live like this and get the blame when things like that happen to them