he smashed my phone

So I lended my ‘friends’ (Chase) a spare phone I had, it’s value had gone down since I bought it but it was sentimental to me because it was something I paid for by myself at 15. I asked him for the passcode for a 2 days and he would just leave me on read. I asked him the 3rd day basically saying it was necessary and I needed the passcode. He was telling me he had shit on the phone but honestly it didn’t matter because I wanted to erase everything anyway, I wasn’t going to go through the phone because honestly I didn’t care. So things heated up and we argued about it, I said I was going to show up to his house if he didn’t give it to me so he could just type in the passcode and be done, he refused and we kept going back and fourth until it eventually kinda came to a compromise and we agreed to meet somewhere. I texted him 15 minutes prior, then text him when I got there and the messages weren’t going through and neither were my calls so I assumed he blocked me and messaged him on sc telling him not to go and I had a way to get into the phone. He demanded I need him and said it was what I wanted.

The people who brought him asked if it was okay to come to my house in which I had said ‘no’ because I was about to leave to go to the store and had a few errands to run. They show up to my house anyway and I go outside and ask them “why are you guys here? I told you not to come I have stuff to do.” Chase told me he was going to type in the passcode so I handed him the phone and he asked me where my sister was, I told him she was inside and he said “that’s unfortunate.” then proceeds to smash my phone on my road, in front of my house. I flipped shit ( i’m not a violent person i’ve only been in a physical fight with my brother and I was 14 and now i’m 17 ) I said “what the fuck dude?! why would you smash my fucking phone.” So I shoved him and tried to hit him which I thought was gonna work in my mind but i’m 5’ and I don’t weigh a lot so he basically just threw me off of him and got in the car.

He had told my other sister that he was going to pay for a new phone on Tuesday. Skip forward to Thursday I went to go find him today because i’ve sent him several messages about it but he said “I have nothing to say to her.” because I went to the doctor because my arm has been swollen for a week at this point and hurt to move. So tonight I called him grandma told her the story.. and guess what? i’m being reimbursed and he’s in a lot of trouble.

I’m the type of person that would’ve settled it without his grandmother but considering the fact he was being uncooperative I felt like I should just have mentioned it to his grandma since he went back on his word.