

My 2 year old gets very defiant and bad when she's tired. It's her tell that it's nap time. We just had a baby on March 4 and when my 2yo is wide awake she's the best and so gentle and follows directions but when she's tired it's like holy hell. I pray for all you momma's who deal with terrible 2s outside of nap time. Just the short lived fifteen minutes I get is enough to make me crazy.

The worst part about all this is I'm a behavioral therapist. I literally deal with behavior for my career and I am not doing a great job when she gets defiant. I get cross, I yell, I put her in time out. All things my profession would frown upon. 🤷 I'm a mom of two. Sometimes we just lose our cool. I always feel guilty about it and have her earn special treats later for better behavior.

In the meantime let me just leave you with this incredible bonding moment