Covid-19 State is refusing testing.

My husband and multiple men he work with are all showing symptoms of the virus. However the state is refusing to let them test because there symptoms aren't "severe enough." And there is no evidence that they have come into contact with someone who has tested positive, and none of them have left the country. Despite the fact that the owner lives in China and has been traveling to and from their work place until the airports shut down. All other possibilities have been ruled out for more than 1 of them, and they are still refusing to test them. They were all told to self quarantine for 14 days incase. And their work won't let them return until they get clearance from their Dr. But they also won't pay them unless they have a positive test for Covid19. I also work in fast food, and informed my manager that I've possibly been exposed and have had a slight fever of 99.8-100.0 the last 2 days. My tempt normally runs round 97.5 But they refuse to let me take off. I wouldn't mind working, but we have alot of elderly customers and we are allowing people to come in and order they just have to take it to go. So I have hands of contact with them all day long and am afraid I'll pass it on. I am so stressed I don't know what to do..

Update: I was sick last week with fever, congestion and cough. Still had to go to work. And I woke up this morning wish a sore throat and cough again. Idk if I have it, probably not as my symptoms are bad but I still feel like I need to self quarantine just incase. The last thing I want to do is spread it. But I'm still expected to go to work. I can't go to the Dr due to not having health insurance. But my symptoms aren't bad enough anyways. My husband will be going to.the Dr. Today, and we'll see what they say.