Where should I stay?

Des • •Wife•PCOS•Beckett Wayne-August 24, 2021💙•👼August ‘20•

Okay, so this coronavirus stuff is getting bad and it’s now in my state (West Virginia). I live in the basement of my grandparents house with my husband right now. We do most of our stuff downstairs but we have to go upstairs to use the bathroom and cook. My grandparents and husband don’t work so they’re home all the time and I work for a home health agency in the office so we don’t think we will be closing any time soon. My parents said I can come stay with them so my grandparents and husband can quarantine themselves but my husband doesn’t want me to. My grandparents are in relatively good health other than my grandad has back pain and my grandma has diabetes and my husband has mild asthma. I’m not sure where I should go since my husband doesn’t want me to leave him at my grandmas, but because of our animals, we both can’t go stay with my mom. Just asking opinions for what you might do in this situation.

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