Former ED - support needed


I am 6w+2 and I’m getting what feels like serious hunger pains but I dunno if I’m actually hungry?? I’ve been getting nauseous but not actually sick so I’m drinking lots of peppermint / ginger teas.

Thing that makes me think harder about if they’re hunger pains or not is because I was anorexic as a teen and have worked hard over the last 15 years to sort my eating out. I’ve got a BMI well in the healthy range.

Now I AM eating. Breakfast, lunch, dinner plus snacks. But I feel like I’m STARVING as soon as I finish eating.

I’m nervous about putting on weight but I’m not stopping myself from eating at all.

I’m not sure what I need from this post, I guess I’m a little worried about ignoring ‘hunger’, yea know??