I need to vent 😭

So, I’m 20 currently living w/my mom and stepdad. My sons dad lives w/us as well.. everytime my mom gets a hold of our son she completely blocks me or my sons dad out of the picture ignores our input on what to do w/our son. Just a min ago after she’s been trying to put him to bed for almost two hours I told her if he’s not tired don’t force him to sleep.. she told me to be quite and get out. I told her his dads going to same the exacts same thing. She said i don’t gaf wtf either of y’all have to say.. & I said well if you don’t gaf what we have to say we’ll leave.. and she turns around and said idgaf.. I’m scared to grab my son from her w/out her yelling at me to get away she does that allot. She acts like she’s his mother and not me.. she’s been doing this for over a year now.. I’m to the point of just saying you know what you want to take care of him take care of him day in and day out. Take him.. it’s just so frustrating I’m his mom. I want to do these things not have it be done for me.. she thinks I’m LAZY cause she sees what she sees when she gets home! Not an everyday thing I do for my son just the side lines of what I do when she’s off of work.. everything I do, is “wrong” in her eyes and she takes over.. I’m scared to go into my room to just grab him from her and her yelling at me to get out and me crying cause I just want him w/me. I’ve done it before I begged him to let me hold him. To let him go.. I stg. I don’t do anything to hurt him I do everything I can to do “right” but it’s so hard everything I do “right” in my eyes is wrong!!! Im getting fed up to I don’t even want to be a mom anymore.. like I’m just so frustrated and so is my sons dad cause he says all the time that’s not her kid to be telling us what to do w/our own child. Ugh. Sorry had to vent I’m everywhere on this sorry

If I do stand up for myself in any way she yells and gets physical and I don’t need my son seeing that.. I’ve seen that happen and don’t need to have him be going through that all the time.. she’s slept me and trying fighting me while holding him for trying to get him. So I’ve tried.. but it pmo I cant get him from her w/out a fight. & I’m not a fighting type especially when she’s holding my son in her arms