Would you care your husband/boyfriend

So my boyfriend is 30 and I’m 27. We live together, we’ve been together for 2 years. We spend a lot of time together, never really fight. BUT there is one thing.

He is getting so weird about me talking to guys. First of all, I don’t have any “guys” friends, even if I do, we only talk about work or something else but without any weird thoughts. All people I have on my Facebook page are only people from work or some friends of mine (I’m talking about only men right now). And he always says all that stuff like “I hope you’re not doing anything bad”, “Why do you even have to talk to them”. Sometimes he doesn’t, sometimes he does. He never checks my phone even though he knows my password.

But it is really annoying that he talks to a lot of women (No flirt yeah). Honestly, I don’t care. But the annoying part is that he does control me but when I wanna say something he goes like “So you don’t trust me?” I do trust you and I know you love me and love everything about me but ugh

And recently I checked his phone (I never do) but I noticed that he spends a lot of time texting someone. And a few days ago I woke up at 2am and I saw him texting. So I checked his phone and it was obvious that he was deleting conversations (And only with these 3 women). They were all his friends from high school/college and I’m sure they were dating. Those three are married now. There wasn’t anything bad. But it just made me really upset. Because that how all relationships start. From sweet conversations like “Omg remember that fun night..” (she sent him that text)

Like yes they were talking about work etc but then all those random things...

Like they were sending cute screenshots (Like you look like this actress a lot) etc

And there was 3 different conversations with 3 different girls ugh

And these things are so annoying:

Like why would you delete conversations - if you have nothing to hide don’t delete anything

Don’t tell me I can’t talk to men if you talking to your best friends (Women)

Why would you even wanna start conversations with them and text at 2am...