Any reasons I really need an anatomy scan?


Hi everyone,

I’m 19 weeks and have my anatomy scan scheduled for Friday. I already know our baby is a girl and I’ve had 3 ultrasounds so far (private gender scan and two quick ones when they couldn’t find a heartbeat on dopler). I will not be terminating this pregnancy unless the doctors told me she had a condition that meant she could not live outside the womb. This is my second child and I had a completely uneventful pregnancy and delivery the first time, 1.5 years ago.

Due to the coronavirus, I am strongly considering canceling the anatomy scan. If my baby has Down syndrome, i may not find out until birth, but I think this is an acceptable risk to minimize my chances of contracting the virus, and to keep my young child and older mother that lives with me safe. And our currently-in-my-uterus daughter.

Does anyone know downsides to this? Obviously I will be speaking to my OB’s office about it tomorrow but I’d like to have time to think about possible issues.

I’m in Central Florida. There aren’t that many confirmed cases yet, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take precautions.