What would you do if this was your mom?!

I’m currently 5 months pregnant and stressing completely over my mom. I lost my dad almost 3 years ago and only have my mom. She went to the hospital weeks ago because she couldn’t breathe and they said she has COPD from smoking so much (she smoked her whole life) and now she’s a alcoholic and tries to hide it and gets people to go buy it for her from the store. I try to excite her mentioning her first grandkid coming and she screams at me and my sister saying we’re running her life and never ever stopping her from doing what she wants. Her arteries are closing the doctor said because she drinks so so much beer and basically killing herself. She’s 59 years old almost and i’m only 22.... She screams and yells at me saying I’m running her life and can’t make her stop when in reality i’m looking out for her... Advice. I feel so alone rn. 😔 I really don’t want this around my son soon to be born and super stressed and know it’s unhealthy for me rn... What would you do?!