Serious Question—Unpopular Opinion, sorry.

I have seen a lot of people who are on disability complaining because they won’t get a stimulus check. Why?

I understand that people who live off disability are paid very little and they tend to struggle financially, so I can sympathize with them. I truly don’t judge them.

...but from a logical perspective...why would they get a stimulus check? Their income hasn’t been impacted by this disaster. They haven’t lost a job or been laid off or had hours cut. Also, they don’t pay taxes. They still receive the same amount they always have received, and although that may be a small amount, they still stimulate the economy the same way they always have. No more, no less.

I am not downplaying the struggle those on disability have, please understand. I know many people on disability that only buy essentials and still struggle.

(I also know people who could definitely work some type of job, have IPhones and $200 phone bills for one line, and receive disability and struggle..but I like to think they aren’t the majority)

What would the justification be for giving those on disability a stimulus check? Specifically a stimulus check...not looking into raising disability and such.

Posting anonymously because although this is genuine curiosity meant to create a civil conversation, I know people will attack me most likely.