He’s been 9 days...should I be good from the virus?

I had a family gathering that was important 9 days ago. I know symptoms can take a bit to show up, but everyone felt fine. Those that didn’t, did not come. 8 days ago I went grocery shopping and picked my daughter up from my moms house where only my mom, brother, and sister in law were there. Although they’re all still working unfortunately 😢

Do you think I’m good? Meaning, I’m safe from the virus. My family did have a bit of a cold so that’s how I’ve been feeling for a few days now. But it’s nothing major. I’ve been cleaning my house as usual. I just disinfected my kitchen and washrooms yesterday. I’ve been washing my hands and trying very hard not to go sick. My daughter is only 17 months old so it’s hard for me to wash her hands - I’m also worried I’ll dry her hands out as she has eczema. So I’ve only washed them maybe 3 or 4 times.

I haven’t left the house for anything. Although I do need groceries soon, thinking I’ll just get someone to do grocery pick up for me! I’m super paranoid though.