Does it ever get easier?


I’m at that age where everyone i know is starting their family and everyone is getting pregnant or having babies- and I mean every time I get on social media someone is pregnant and after my miscarriage in December I tear up every time.. and it’s not that I’m not happy for everyone (deep down I am)- my sister, my fiancé‘s brother and my friends it just doesn’t make me as happy for them as I used to be/would be had I have gotten pregnant and had a healthy pregnancy.. it’s hard and unfair the jealousy the wonder what I could have done differently, what’s wrong with my body why did it let me down? If you would’ve asked me when I was 19 where I would’ve seen myself at 25 it definitely would’ve been with two to three kids being done having babies have in my life and family together. I’ve always wanted my kids close, like 15 months apart.. but here I am 25 with a two year old and trying every. single. month to get pregnant again and it’s so hard on me mentally 💔

I just needed to vent!

Nobody knows the everyday struggle I deal with😭