Just need to get opinions

(Even though I probably already know lol)

So every month I have mid cycling spotting

I have pcos so it’s not out of the ordinary

I’ve been using opks and luckily I have only 1 peak ever and otherwise low lh (I know some women with pcos get multiple surges not from ovulation or have a high lh and therefore can make opks unreliable, but I luckily don’t have the issue)

I also get ovulation pain

So I typically spot between 5dpo to 12dpo then period fully 14dpo

Every month without fail this happens. Always spotting 5/6 dpo. The spotting is usually a couple wipes of light red blood. Not enough to fill a panty liner, but definitely a light amount of bleeding

This month, I had no spotting

Until today at 9dpo (based on opks and ovulation pain the day after peak) I had slight pink one wipe

Then slight brown one wipe

And then nothing more

I had a tiny bit of cramping as well

Does anyone think this is probably just my normal mid cycle spotting or could it possibly implantation??

I guess I know it’s probably just me grasping at straws but I found it weird that I didn’t have any spotting up until today when normally I’d have been spotting at least 2-3 days by now as well as having more of a “blood like” spotting than pink or light brown

Would love opinions, even if it’s the hard truth that it’s probably not implantation