Sooo... I’m looking for personal beliefs.


My entire life I’ve been raised a certain way. I was raised to believe that we were all given our certain body parts, organs, and anything else for our own lives. If I ever needed an organ, I would not take one from someone else. When it’s my time, it’s my time. Seems dumb to many, but it’s just my belief and how I was raised.

I have had many health issues being a lupus patient. My kidneys have leaked protein, my heart has had fluid around it. There’s been many instances where organs are at risk for damage.

Yet I have still kept my same beliefs during these tough and scary times.

Anyways!!!! Lol.

I was just told by my doctor I NEED a blood transfusion before going in to labor... They don’t want me to come in this week because of the virus, but they said I will need to do this prior to our induction date. And I’m having a very hard time with this. Because I think of it almost as the same donating organs...😟

Im just curious if there’s anyone else who has had this same type of dilemma? Where your beliefs and situation go against each other.

Obviously if you don’t believe in God or have an understanding of where I’m coming from belief wise, it wouldn’t be a question for you. Mainly wondering if anyone else with similar beliefs have had to deal with anything like this.