FTM to a 10 month old... help


My girl is almost is 11 months old. And she is just generally rough right now... diaper changes... she just rolls and rolls and rolls and when I try to hold her still or push her back down she screams. That’s the same with changing her clothes, I’m literally always out of breath after changing her because she makes it such an ordeal. And I’m in pretty decent shape and work out regularly. I’ve had to make her bath times as quick as possible because she kicks and splashes so hard she gets water up her nose. She gets mad and will arch her back like some form from the exorcist. When I’m holding her she acts like a wild animal sometimes and will use all her 20 pounds of body weight to push off of me. Please help... is this normal. We’ve been implementing light discipline tones such as “no” and she listens to that sooo well. Very proud of her there. She army crawls everywhere and is very fast. Just need some advice, she will be 11 months old on April 11th.