Ttc after MC advice

Expecting _mom_4

* trigger

I MC at the beginning of March at 5w 3d. It was emotionally devastating for my husband and I. Two weeks later I had really heavy period with a bunch of cramps. I knew something wasn't right when my line never darkened after a week of testing. I have taken a month to grieve and rest. I am ready to try again but my husband is hesitant. We both agree we want another child and want to try this year. He is worried about the COVID-19 and finances due to COVID-19. We luckily had enough to cover 2 months of bills and I think he will be back to work by then. He also said that he doesn't want to plan it and it to just happen when it should. However, he thinks I should go back on birth control until he's back to work.

I guess what I don't understand if it is supposed to happen naturally when it should why get back on birth control? He doesn't want to talk anymore about it and said just do what I want, he doesn't want to worry about that right now. He also said he's afraid he won't get to go to the appointments with me like last time. However my ob doesn't see her patients until they are 9 weeks.

I am considering just staying off my bc and when it happens it will happen. Do you guys think that's wrong? If we conceived this month I would be New Years and my husband can't take time off until the 7th of January due to year end. When we had our 1st he only stayed home a day so I am not worried about that. Any advice is helpful and thank you for reading this far!❤