Slept with him...

Okay I just want to start out I had NO intentions of sleeping with my ex. We met up to exchange items we both had from one another. We were talking about the break up. He moved into a new place, so he was showing me around, one thing led to another and we were laughing and cutting up like we used to and then it just kind of happened........well then it’s happened more times afterwards. He says he hasn’t slept with anyone else since the break up. I definitely haven’t, I love him still but I’m confused on what this means because he wants me to spend the night with him now, I’ve done so twice which I know I shouldn’t have done either but I miss laying with him. It was out favorite thing to do. We kissed and said goodbye to one another like we did before we even broke up this morning. He’s still extremely affectionate with his kisses and cuddling, touching, I know we have chemistry still there I just don’t know if continuing the sex and sleeping with him is such a good idea, it wasn’t meant to happen. I really just wanted to remain friends, like hang out sometimes and go places occasionally but now that all of this has happened I don’t know what to do or say. I had a letter all written for him but now I won’t even give that to He made a mistake, he slept with someone else, he stopped seeing her and then felt really bad and broke up with me about 4 months after they stopped because of the guilt he had. I know a lot of people say not to take him back and why would I want to etc. everyone is different and I’m not looking for hate or shame. I’m just trying to figure out what he means by wanting me to spend the night now and all the affection he still shows even though we “technically” aren’t together anymore..has anyone had an experience like this or have maybe some insight? Thanks.