Craziest thing just happened - perseverance & TTC

Ashley 🌺 • Mom to a perfect, gorgeous 🌈 👧 . TTC baby #2

I’m 12dpo, and have spent the last hour googling “12dpo bfn” to see how many people end up positive after a Bfn so late in their cycle.

RANDOMLY - my phone keyboard went on the fritz - blinked and spelled out “koi” without me touching it.

It was just completely out of the blue. I sometimes think we receive signs. So I googled Koi meaning. See below;

“Koi Fish meaning in Japan is good fortune or luck they also are associated with perseverance in adversity and strength of purpose, the Koi fish symbolize good luck, abundance and perseverance.”.

Taking this as a sign to keep going and not give up! Even if I’m out this month.