Successful VBAC 40+3! He's finally here 😍πŸ₯°πŸ˜˜


Sorry long birth story ahead! I was in tears to my husband the night before because I didn't feel like this baby was ever going to come and I was going to have my planned c section at 41 weeks.

Well that night I had some contractions and I was running to the toilet but my SIL was having the exact same thing so I thought it was a stomach bug (which it was, just a really cute one πŸ˜‰πŸ₯°).

The next morning, they were coming pretty frequently and I was still thinking it was a stomach bug πŸ˜‚ but called L+D who said to come in and get checked out anyway.

So in we went to discover that I was in established labour with 5 contractions every 10 minutes and was 5cm dilated.

They asked if I wanted to try for a vbac or go with a c section but suggested since I was dilated so much and it was spontaneous labour, there was no reason we couldn't do a vbac so we decided to go for it!

They broke my waters and I asked for an epidural. I wasn't in huge amounts of pain but knew it would take a while to get sorted - ended up getting it about 2 hours later.

It didn't completely take the pain away which was good in a way because I could still feel what was going on.

They came to check about midday and I was 9cm dilated. We got the anesthesiologist back because the epidural wasn't working great and they gave me a really good extra dose πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ™Œ so then I couldn't feel a thing, it was amazing, I literally slept through contractions. πŸ˜‚

They checked again an hour later and I was fully dilated, they decided to give me an hour for baby to come down the birth canal on his own and then we would start pushing.

We were pushing for an hour but he wasn't in the best position so they tried to turn him with no luck. We ended up having a forceps delivery and an episiotomy but I was thankful I couldn't feel a thing! lol

He is totally healthy and I am sore and tired (ended up being 12 hours of active labour and 1 hour of pushing) but nowhere near as sore as my previous c section birth. Totally worth it and a much better experience than last time.

Here is our little Noah ❀❀ 3115g

He says he's a ok πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

Happy Easter everyone! ❀