Birth if my rainbow baby and hard start to life


So me and hubby have been run flat out since our son was born last year in may! And boy it's been a rollercoaster. So finally while he naps I can share my story

36weeks 6days

1st of May I was organising house and went a little crazy and had a fall in garage, landed on side but my bump had hit the tool box so was told to go to hospital to be checked. All was good with baby but they noticed my belly had decreased in size. I was then sent for a scan on the 3rd to have a check up. Well, I was at stage where I was so fed up and just wanted my baby here, we had scan and had to wait 5 hours for a doctor to talk to us. We new baby was ok as he was moving around and playing kick mummy as hard as possible. Well doctor finally turned up and explained my amniotic fluid level was very low and asked if I had noticed any leaking before. Explained I had 3 weeks ago and midwife said it was just discharge (she never did a test) so I was told to go home get prepared because i will be induced on the 5th but will do a sweep to see if it will help start me off. We was luckily prepared anyway due to me being a little too prepared from 30weeks

Sunday 5th hospital pushed us back to the evening to be induced due to being very busy, we didnt mind and my folks took us out for a meal. Get to hospital for 530pm and get monitored. My mum asked if I was in pain which I wasnt, I just felt uncomfy, asked why she asked and she said your having contractions! We was watching machine and they was every 4 minutes 😏

Midwife came in and asked to examine me and insert pessary gave me gas and air in case as it can be painful. Well I hadnt dilated, and the pessary wasn't painful but unpleasant. Didnt use gas and air but managed to do it through breathing techniques. So all dome and sent off to ward to wait it out. Mum and hubby went home and I played bingo 😂

6th May at 2am

Put back on monitor and I was feeling the contractions but nothing crazy, I noticed babies heart rate kept dropping from 150s to 60! Midwife wasnt to concerned but said I will be re checked at 6am and to get some rest.

6am came along back in monitor and again baby was not liking the contractions. Midwife removed pessary and told me I was being moved to labour ward to be monitored closely and informed if baby carried on with his heart rate I was to have a csection.


Get examined by a sweet doctor called Dr BingBing (I loved her name) she said i was 1cm and broke my waters to try and help move things along. (I was still expecting a gush of water but nope, just a small trickle so not alot of water at all was left.

Contractions became more frequent and I was managing great no gas and air etc but just used breathing techniques.


Re examined to be told I was still 1cm but baby head could be felt! Baby heart was still playing up so it was Csection time.

Through out all of this I felt calm and relaxed untill I alised I had to have an epidural!

My hubby isnt the greatest person in a crisis but my god he did amazing, I was given the epidural and the anethioligist was talking to both of us explaining what was happening and what I might feel, all I felt was wow it feels like a massage. Next thing i new i was staring at my screaming tiny boy with lots of hair!

It was the most amazing experience we've had.

Oliver G 5lbs 13oz 1142am 6th may 2019

We was released the next day but against my wishes, Oliver was not feeding and he was shaking alot and I was still in pain, but they discharged us.

8th may,

Midwife visited us at home and I explained that he is still shaking and is feeding very little. Would drink 5ml or 10ml and that was it for 3 hours. She called her supervisor who advised to get ambulance out. Shit just got real! Glucose test was performed and it read 0.7! That is danger zone! Blue lighted to A&E and soon as we arrived he was ripped from my arms. Soon as I was settled down into a chair my boy was screaming and had needles everywhere. The NHS staff was amazing through all of this! He had to have xrays, glucose levels was always dropping even with glucose being pumped into him. (Now as a new mother, hormones over powering, recovering from surgery, I just broke down) i couldn't stop crying. Our Rainbow baby was fighting though. After 12 hours we was moved to a critical care ward and given a room to stay in.

2 days later was told he has congenital hyperinsulinism. And it only happens 1 in 25000 babies. Medication was started and feeds was brought back into his life, but was told it can be a very long hard journey and stay in hospital.

Our little fighter was fighting though, he had his sugars checked every 2 hours before a feed and was then increased to 3hourly feeds. We was moved to a childrens ward where he would complete a 6hour fast he got to 5 hours before his sugars dropped. We was sent home the next day.

2 weeks in hospital and we finally came home to stay.

He out grew his condition and is now a happy energetic crazy boy who has filled our lives with so much love. And after everything we went through we would do it all again to give him a brother or sister because the love you have for them is just crazy