Pray the adoption goes through on my step son

I just need to vent anonymously for a minute. My step son is 7. I’ve been his mother since he was 3. His biological mother abandoned him when he was 1.5 and she fled to Mexico(we live in Texas) and has never been seen or heard of since. Until recently. She’s been having mutual acquaintances message us on social media asking for our numbers. We won’t give them. She is married to a guy in a Mexican gang and I fear for my step sons safety if she is allowed back in. It would be a confusing thing for step son too since he doesn’t know anything about her. His first memories of a mother are me. My husband and I aren’t telling anyone about the adoption process yet since his mother hates me and will message the bio mom and tell her just to be spiteful. We have no contact with my mother in law for her toxic behavior and other reasons but my brother in law would tell her if he found out. So we aren’t telling anyone! My husband already has paperwork filed through a lawyer on her for child abandonment and failure to pay child support. I’m just so scared that this adoption won’t go through and she will be allowed unsupervised visitation. She is the type that would kidnap him and go to Mexico. She abandoned her oldest son too, he is with her parents. I’m just so scared. I don’t know the adoption process or how things work but I’m trying to stay positive and since she hadn’t tried to make contact for 5.5 years then I’m praying that this will be basically an open closed adoption. I just need some encouragement! I love this little boy so much and would die if something happened.