Zachary • Apr 17, 2022
sorry, this was probably overkill, but i’m a trans guy whose mum works with transgender folks, so this is both close to my heart and something that i’ve learned a lot about 😅
Zachary • Apr 17, 2022
actually, that surgery does exist! it’s called a phalloplasty, and they take tissue from the patient’s thigh or bicep, and use that to create a functional penis! the clitoris and clitoral hood become the glans, the labia majora becomes the scrotum, the labia minora becomes the skin on the outside of the penis (and it actually goes from vaginal mucosa to hair-bearing skin, which is fascinating!!!), and the urethra is actually extended to route through the shaft of the new penis after a few months of recovery! it is a bit less sensitive, but there’s some really accurate and cool 3D-modelled videos on youtube detailing the whole process!
Cheyenne • Apr 15, 2020
It doesnt always work though, and its still pretty small and doesnt function or work like a penis. So no cum but it looks like a tiny penis. Just doesnt work like one