Booze and Pregnancy?!

Has anyone gotten pregnant on a night of taking 4 shots with your husband? I also drank the next day😭. I’ve been ttc for 10 months now with no luck. I got pregnant last year when I was not ttc, eventually got excited only to lose the baby. Gave it a couple months until we actually started ttc, married my guy, and started trying and nothing!! I’ve been so good, I don’t drink coffee, I eat really healthy, I try to walk everyday, I wear socks all the day, I eat warm foods, I take prenatals, I take cassava root, I normally don’t drink alcohol and nada!! So then I said ok, I need to stop everything and just be “normal”. Like I was when I got pregnant last year! I drank alcohol, drank coffee everyday, ate healthy but also junk food, you know like I wasn’t trying to conceive because I wasn’t!! Lol

I also have a 9 year old. I got pregnant at 18, gave birth at 19. So I know I can definitely get pregnant!! But idk wtf is going on and now I feel so shitty for drinking alcohol😞. I just wanted to basically be myself and not worry or stress. How do druggies pop babies out like nothing and so many women suffer ttc!! 🙄â˜č anyways, has anybody had a similar experience?