Maybe UTI?

So after I take out a dry tampon, it burns to pee afterwards. I don’t think I have a UTI, since this also happened to me last cycle and it didn’t burn after the first time I peed. But this time it burned really bad to the point where I had to take breaks and gather the courage to pee the one time. I don’t normally wear tampons, usually only on times when my flow is heavy or it’s necessary, but this was later on for my period and I put it in anyways. I’m wondering if this is common, if I should stop wearing tampons altogether, or if it does mean that I have a UTI (I haven’t peed since then this just happened). Thanks

Edit: So I posted this earlier yesterday and people said that it still could be a UTI. I’ve peed since then and it doesn’t burn at all, it only does the one time after I take out a dry tampon. Could this still be a UTI or am I just sensitive to tampons and shouldn’t use them?