Feeling torn in half by my career and relationship

I’ve been dating thins amazing woman since January. It’s long distance at the moment being 160 miles between us. When we are not in lockdown we was trying to see each other every other weekend. I’ve decided I really want to make a go of this relationship, I’ve been lonely my whole life even when I’ve been in a relationships I’ve felt alone. But this amazing woman stops that feeling. It’s that you just know when you know feeling.

I have a very big decision to make that will effect my career. It’s a PhD opportunity, a massive dream of mine. But like I say I’m 160 miles away from my partner. This PhD position is a fully funded 4 year contract. So I will be tied down for that period of time. Love working with the PI she’s not only been a great supervisor over the past 24 months but I also consider her a friend.

I’m not sure I could carry on seeing my partner for what is 4 days out of every month for then next 4 years but equally I don’t know if I can give up on this dream.

I know people are going to say this opportunity will come round again and I’d be able to do a PhD in the future but I’m older than a lot of my peers and therefore if I plan on having a career in academia I feel it’s now or never.

My Career or a partner that makes me the happiest I’ve ever been?