My Mom Hates Me Now

This story may sound a bit familiar. My brother had gotten raped at a party months ago from a guy and his female best friend set him up. I found out when he came to me and my boyfriend's house in the middle of the night. He finally agreed to press charges but I will keep the case private for his sake. Basically I'm now his legal guardian. The reason he came to stay with me is because our mom is a piece of shit. When she found out she literally told him to get over it. He can't get pregnant by rape and how male rape is nothing compared to female rape. It was just disgusting. He always feels like he could never talk to her. The only reason I stayed in contact with her was for him. She fat shamed me through high school causes me to develop an eating Disorder. Well.. my brother attempted suicide... I literally lost my shit. He's only 16.... My mom said over the phone the whole thing was for attention... My boyfriend drove us to the hospital. My brother was crying and I told him it will be okay. They made him go impatient for a week for a psych eval. CPS got involved. They found out about the assault and just stuff my mom had done... They said he wanted to live with me.. they asked if I had room. I talked to my boyfriend and he said of course. My mom did not take this well. She did everything she could to stop it. She brought up my past in stripping... That I'm a nasty whore... Said how my boyfriend is a bum. He actually worked at a daycare because he loves kids but rn the daycare is closed. She thinks only a man that's a pedophile would want to work at a daycare. We still got guardian ship. He's doing better. We are looking into therapy. My mom has just been harassing me and my boyfriend since. My boyfriend took him for a walk to talk. Don't even ask me how she found out but she called cps saying we aren't social distancing. We can literally go for walks. Just stay 6feet apart from everyone else. She told me I'm trash. That I'm only taking him because I can't have kids. A situation happened when I was younger. Don't really want to talk about but had to get a hysterectomy at 18. I am so close to getting a restraining order.... But then my grandma says she's my mom I can't do that... My boyfriend is tired of everything so am I. My brother is worried if it doesn't stop we will send him back. We keep telling him we will never, but he is so freaked... I fucking hate this shit. Thanks for listening to my rant. It just sucks. I'm trying to help my brother and hold my relationship together and my mom is ruining everything